QRE Quail News
Hello Quail Families,
We have made it through our first week of classes. I appreciate everyone's patience. Some of the schedules that were put on the students backpacks were incorrect. Please use the letter of confirmation schedule to correct your students tags. If you missed registration we still have room in a few classes. The link to register for those classes is below.
q4Z5rPaT1hJxa38H7 Please reach out with any questions to Kim Quiroz at kquiroz@maranausd.org
Please join us for our next PTF meeting on Feb. 10th
Use the link to RSVP: https://forms.gle/Tq4TfoqX1RL5mJzE6
Every Wednesday in February, all MUSD schools are featuring “Walking Tacos,” made with The Walking Taco Doritos topped with Jennie-O Turkey Taco Meat and served with all the fixings by our amazing MUSD Cafes.
Spring Break Learning, Enrichment and Play (LEAP) is open to all MUSD students pre-k through 6th grade during Spring Break March 17-21 at Quail Run Elementary and Rattlesnake Ridge Elementary Schools!
Kindergarten Registration is now open for the 2025-26 school year at Marana Unified School District! Enroll your child TODAY in our exceptional free full-day program!
MUSD Student & Family Support Services is hosting Parenting the Love and Logic Way, Supporting Youth with Special Needs, a four-class series beginning this March. Spaces are limited. You must RSVP!
Share your love of music and join the Marana Winds to perform in the 2025 community concert, scheduled for Wednesday, April 9 at 7:00 p.m.! All interested staff, teachers, students, alumni and friends of MUSD are invited to participate.
Michael Forrester, teacher at Quail Run Elementary School, received National Board Certification! Attainment of National Board Certification is one of the most prestigious and respected professional accomplishments in K-12 education.
MUSD Student & Family Support Services is hosting Parenting the Love and Logic Way, a six-class series beginning this February. Spaces are limited. You must RSVP!
Preschool pre-registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens Feb. 3, 2025. Affordable full & half-day sessions. Safe, nurturing, and fun!
Apply now for benefits! Applications are now being accepted for free or reduced-price school meals in 2025! Families must re-apply each year and one application can be used for all children in the household.
MUSD’s Marana Cares Mobile food bus will be on the streets again during the upcoming 2024 Winter Break serving FREE, nutritious and delicious meals to ALL children.
MUSD is one of the 60 Local Education Agencies (LEAs) chosen to participate in the 2024-2025 Energy Champions Leading the Advancement of Sustainable Schools program.
Cultural Event Night brought families together for a hands-on journey into the art of painting and etching horse hair ornaments.